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4 Common types of Cyber-Attacks

Former CISCO CEO once said: "You've got 2 types of companies. Those who have been hacked, and those who don't know they've been hacked."


What tools are Cybercriminals equipped with to damage your business?

1 - Phishing

Have you ever received an e-mail stating that some prince in a far away country is 'delighted' to be offering you some X amount of millions? Isn't it just so easy to do as requested and give him access to your bank account for him to pass on what you're owed? That's actually similar to Phishing, except it can be way more nastier than that, and actually believable too. Phishing is a form of sending fraudulent communication which would look as they've come from a reputable source, generally through the form of an e-mail. The sender's e-mail might look very much a like your colleagues, leading you to believe that it's from your colleague and not actually a threat. The e-mail will more than likely contain a link, which unfortunately, if clicked will expose the recipient to a cyberattack. A case of this occurred with Malta's local Bank, BOV.

2 - Man In The Middle Attack ( MiTM )

In a nutshell, what a man in the middle attack is, is someone gaining access to a connection between your device and another connection point such as a router. What will happen in an instance like this, is that the data being sent from something such as your laptop to your router will be captured by the criminal, or man in the middle.

This can occur remotely with the criminal operating from a completely different country. Access can be giving via downloading software containing MALWARE.

3 - Malware

MALware, is malicious softWARE.

It will generally include spyware, ransomware, viruses and worms. You can get infected with Malware through a variety of methods. Typically this will be done through clicking a wrong link or opening an e-mail attachment.

Malware will harm you by :

  • Blocking access to key components of the network (ransomware). Typically asking you to pay money to have access to the component. ( Which isn't a good idea to pass your card details in a situation like this either )

  • Installs more malware or additional harmful software

  • Covertly obtains information by transmitting data from the hard drive (spyware)

  • Disrupts certain components and renders the system inoperable.

4 - Denial - Of - Service (DDoS)

What this type of attack does, it sends systems, servers or networks a ton of traffic to over-encumber the recourses and bandwith. When this happens the system will be unable to fulfill service, such as someone trying to access Facebook. Picture a plane landing and everyone trying to get out exactly at the same time.

The above methods of attack are common, dangerous and can be used on ANY business. Max Insurance Brokers has partnered with a leading Cyber-Security hub offering market leading insurance and protection service as a dual product.


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